Tuesday, June 6, 2017



I am going to be honest, riding bridges freaks me out. Years ago, I was on climbing and biking trip in Squamish and Whistler. My friend was new to riding, we found ourselves on trail with lots of bridges that were close to the ground. Most bridges I walked. I think as the day went on I walked more and more. I regressed in my bridge fear. I get in my head about certain features, such as bridges or creek crossings. When I see a bridge my gut reaction is negative. When I do ride a bridge today, I ALWAYS think don’t fall off or it is going to really bad. There are too many bridges in the Tetons, which is mostly good. The downside, it is skill that I can ignore. Over the years I have gotten a bit better, I ride many bridges but I am still freaked out. Shark’s Belly trail has a few bridges. There are two bridges that are easy and the third is long split log bridge (which is sketchy to walk). Last summer I told myself I would work on riding the bridges. I made up silly excuses  not work on my goal such as I am working a backpacking trip in 4 weeks, I can’t get hurt. I never really tried to ride these. Last week, I rode Shark’s Belly for the first time this season. I approached the split log bridge, felt great, and rode with confidence! I hooted and hollered at the end.  I rode the other two bridges fine! The small yet steep and muddy creek crossing I walked, progress. 
What I have learned, I am working on the negative voices in my head. Keep working on visualizing me riding. Be compassionate with myself, it is ok to be a work in progress as long I am working. We all have strength and growth points it is good to acknowledge both. I am good and enjoy long rides. I am working on riding bridges without freaking out. Riding the bridges on Shark’s Belly is step in my progress and with that I celebrate the progress that I made.

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