Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fall has arrived

Hi there!
Hope this finds you well. Life is grand! I am in Las Cruces. The Gila was fabulous! The weather was ideal, the colors are turning, little traffic, and steep roads. I was riding with Brady, the guy I met a long the way. At times I felt I was in southern Appalachians with the colors and cliffs, like the Red River Gorge. Then we would get up on the ridge and was brought back to the Rockies. The road crossed over the continental divide three times. I kept thinking about the human history in this area of the people of long ago, this was the first designated Wilderness area in the US, and many NOLS courses go there. We stopped for a bite to eat at this cool lodge about half way. Then rode to an RV campground that was $5 a night! Some campgrounds charge 20-25 per night just for camping, a bit much. The next day we got an early start to go over Emery Pass which is the high point of the Southern Tier! We stopped at gas station that had about three bags of chips and a soda fountain, not much. As we started the climb a guy on a motorcycle took our picture. Brady and I talked the most of the way up the pass. We gained about 2,500 feet in 18 miles. Talking with someone makes a big difference. The views from the top were awesome. The valley to the east is 4,000 feet lower with some cool features heading into the valley. The ride down the grade was tons of fun, nothing fast but windy. We stopped in a small town and a guy comes out and talks with us. He makes plastic rocks and wood planters for cactus. He grows crazy looking cactus. He showed his green house and his work. He lived up north as a locksmith and wasn't happy. So he packed up, moved south, and loves the simple life. I admire those who live simply and happily because it is hard to do. That night we camped near I-25, we could hear when trucks would run over the rumble strip. I realized that night that I wanted to bypass around El Paso. There would be about 150 miles along I-10. Some of the towns seem to be a bit more run down and not as nice to stay. The next day we got an early start into Las Cruces. We rode farmland, pepper fields, Cotten fields, and pecan groves. A few homes dried peppers on the roofs! It is cool seeing the farmland, it lets me know what to eat in the area. We are staying with a host from Warmshowers. Warmshowers is a network of cyclist who are touring and those who open their homes up to cyclist. I decided try it. It is a good way to meet people and get good local information, my friends who are on it haven't had any trouble. Today, I took a rest day. I am taking the long way into Texas and with it I have huge climb (4,300) in two days. Brady headed on today though El Paso. I am excited for this next bit as it is quite remote. So it may be a while before I am able to post again.
Cheers from Nanland


  1. Hi Nan--
    Great to have you as a guest. You're having too much fun, for sure! Please be careful in your travels. Take care.

    --John and Donetta
    Las Cruces, New Mexico

  2. Awesome photos! Great to "see" you. Many thanks for the link!

    Cheers to the open, welcoming road before you :)
