Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Humble Pie

Disclaimer: writing and I get along like oil and water. The goal of this blog is share my adventures with others and hope others will live out her/ his dreams, the goal is not show off or be a great writer.

Today is day three of the ride and I have been quite humbled.  Three days ago before we left Mt Shasta Bob, Justin (a friend of Bobs), and I went for a ride fully loaded. Riding a bike that is carrying 45 lbs of gear is work! We went for 32 mile ride, we gained 2,500 in 11 miles, that part kicked me in the booty. Yesterday, we headed out of Mt Shasta. There wasn't many campgrounds so we pushed to go 47 miles. At 46.7 miles Bob got clipped by a pickup truck! I didn't see it happen. He was very lucky because he only broke a rib. No damage to his bike, he didn't hit his head, just one broken rib. The bad part is he won't be able to ride for at least a month. I am so lucky for the wonderful hosts at McAruthur Burney State Park, Gloria and David took me and treated me like a daughter. The park had some extra space near them so they could help me figure out my next steps. The park dropped off Bob's bike today in Mt. Shasta! Gloria gave me a bagel this morning since our oats were all over the road from the fall. I decided to keep riding, at least see how riding today went. As I was heading out of the park, I ran into a couple who I met in Mt Shasta. We are all heading south, so they took me in. I rode with them today.. More good people, they are from outside of Roanoke,VA. We took our time and enjoyed riding. We made it to a campground with smiles. We are heading to Lassen National Park with a pass that goes over 8,000 feet! After a good today, I am In a better place about this ride. Please keep Bob in your thoughts as he is healing. 

Cheers from Nanland! 

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